Friday, June 29, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Oh no I didn't...

Drawn in early 2007 in the Portland, Oregon area, this piece is pretty self-explanatory.

An amazingly subtle comment on right-wing patriotism.

This was drawn sometime in 2005, and based on the artist's mis-hearing of an NPR program. He was brushing his teeth and half-listening to the radio in another room when he could have sworn he heard someone say "Donkey shit jackass he-haw..." When he put down his toothbrush and moved closer to the set he realized it was actually President George W. Bush. He figured that was enough to do a page on. Which he did. (This was never published anywhere.)

An amazingly subtle comment on the religious right.

This one was drawn sometime in 2004 for an abortive freelance article on the Christian fundamentalist group "Christian Exodus", which was trying to get its followers to move en masse to South Carolina where they would inflitrate state government and turn it into a Christian stronghold. The article was actually written by author Ben Olson (and accompanied by more vulture drawings by me), but was rejected by Mother Jones, The Nation, and Rolling Stone.